Thursday, October 25, 2007

the 4 psychic senses

I ordered a book off of entitled You Are Psychic by Pete A. Sanders. I receive it yesterday and immediately began reading it. I was made aware of this book from my bosses mother who is a holistic healer/psychic. Just a little over a year ago, I've been really drawn to things like dreams, auras, angels and divine guidance. It basically explains scientific reasonings behind psychic abilities and it shows you how to tap into them. Everyone has access to these abilities, it's just a matter of unblocking them and tuning into them. There are 4 different types of psychics. Visionaries, Feelers, Audients and Prophetics. All people have access to each type of these psychic abilities. I believe I am strongest in Feeling and Hearing. My whole life, I just thought I talked to myself a whole lot. It turns out, I'm hearing things from my spirit guide. THIS IS SUPER COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know, a lot of you probably think I am totally crazy and gone off the deep end. :)

This weekend, at Rainbow Gardens at the mouth of Ogden Canyon in Ogden, UT, there will be the 9th annual Spirits on Parade. It starts tomorrow night at 6 with a FREE seminar on Plant Spirit Meditation with an herbalist.

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