Sunday, October 14, 2007

a couple decisions that I have made.

1-I decide not to finish the "100 things about me". I just sat down to finish 60-100 and I just couldn't do it. Sorry guys, but I'm a rebel. I still have an hour and 45 minutes left to go at work. It's really boring today and I've returned all phone calls, answered all emails and wrote out all mailers. There were no check ins today, and I think the phone has MAYBE rang twice. I have a horrible sinus head ache today and my glasses sitting on my face really isn't helping the situation. Surfing the web, I have come to the conclusion that when I do win my 100 million dollars, I am going to buy a house in New England, and I decided that that is where I will live in the fall time September-November. And then I'm going to fly out all my family for Thanksgiving in my quaint little New England house with a stylish/modern table setting.

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